Lauren Madere Hoel
University of Texas Health Science Center, USA
Title: The changing landscape of urological management in women
Biography: Lauren Madere Hoel
In the recently published Primary Care update on urinary tract infection, the American Urological Association estimated that
over 150 million UTIs occur annually worldwide, with an estimated healthcare cost of over $6 billion. There are a variety
of diagnoses associated with urinary tract symptoms that may occur in the absence of bacterial infection. In the interest of
healthcare cost savings there have been some recommendations to avoid UCX and just treat UTI based on sex and urine dipstick.
Primary healthcare providers will continue to evaluate and manage the clear majority of UTIs in the outpatient population.
Providers should be armed with the knowledge of emerging trends in UTI diagnosis and treatment. This presentation seeks to
explore these trends and identify the tools needed to direct cost effective, yet population protective, management of outpatient
UTIs in women throughout the lifespan. Providers need to consider whether testing is indicated or not. Selecting a treatment
regimen should be carried out with consideration of culture specific pathogen results as well as complicating patient factors and
the suspected, vs proven, site of illness. Highlights of this presentation include associated issues such as up to date antibiotic
stewardship recommendations, current trends in pathogen resistance and recommendations regarding testing, management
and where appropriate, referral for urological evaluation with Subspecialty services.