Ameneh Safarzadeh
University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Title: The effect of sexual counseling based on assertiveness on sexual function of married female students
Biography: Ameneh Safarzadeh
Objective: Sexual tolerability is one of the false convictions among ladies about sexual capacity, and ladies who have this
conviction pick a dormant and aloof sexual part. The present examination was led intended to research the impact of
conclusiveness construct sexuality mentoring with respect to the sexual capacity of wedded female understudies of University
of Sistan and Baluchistan.
Materials and Methods: This semi exploratory examination was a pretest-posttest configuration led on 80 female wedded
female understudies who were chosen and haphazardly doled out into two interventions(n=40) and control (n=40) gatherings.
The data collection tool was a questionnaire of Rosen's Sexual Function. The mediation aggregate after pretest participated in
four sessions under emphatics based sexual directing week after week in 2 sessions of 90 to 120 minutes. Both two groups filled
out the questionnaires after the end of the waiting period (2 months) (post-test). Chi-square, covariance and independent, pair
t-test was used to examine the mean of quantitative variables in the two groups.
Findings: The outcomes demonstrated that the mean score of sexual capacity list expanded in the meditation gathering and
after sexual guiding and diminished in the control gathering. Independent T-test also showed that the mean score of sexual
function index after sexual counseling in two intervention and control groups was not significant. But the mean change in total
index score was significant in both groups (P=0.0001).
Conclusion: Counseling method based on sexual assertiveness has been able to influence sexual function, expressing sexual
rights, and reducing the shame and contempt of women under study and cause significant results. It is safe to admit that this
method can be used as a way to promote sexuality and to establish a more intimate relationship in marital life.