Eckhart G. Hahn
Founding Adviser
Center of Integrative Medicine and Health
1969 Graduation in Medicine in Hamburg, Germany. 2002 Master of Medical Education in Bern. 1987-2009 Professor of Medicine and Director of Clinical Departments at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA and Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg. 2009-2011 Past Dean of the Faculty of Health, Univer-sity of Witten/Herdecke. 2011-2013 Past Founding Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Uni-versity of Oldenburg. He is currently Founding Adviser for a Center of Integrative Medicine and Health, Bam-berg.
Research Interest
His research interest is in fibrogenesis in liver cirrhosis, gastrointestinal endoscopy and ultrasound, carcinogenesis, clinical oncology, hospital management, integrative medicine and medical education. 745 published papers since 1974 (SCI-listed).