Anil Kumar Chhotalal Mithani
Omdurman Teaching Hospital, Sudan
Title: PHC Sudan- Knowledge exchange to improve primary healthcare outcomes from a Urologist’s perspective in Sudan
Biography: Anil Kumar Chhotalal Mithani
The highly skilled Urologist Surgeons of Primary Health offer a comprehensive approach to urological care, including an array of treatments for urinary tract infections, prostate problems, bladder disorders, kidney and ureteral stones, urethral strictures, undescended testes, erectile dysfuntion, infertility, cancer of bladder, kidney, prostrate and testicular and all other conditions related to the genito-urinary tract system. Specialists provide primary health care expertise in health promotion, prevention and screening, and treating various conditions. Primary care providers play an important role in caring for cancer and metastasis. Sudan health system is based on the district health system approach, which emphasizes the principles of primary health care (PHC). Nevertheless, the decentralization of the public sector resulted in more deterioration of the PHC system particularly in rural and peripheral areas due to lack of financial resources and managerial capacities. The local health system act gave the responsibility of management of PHC level to the localities while, this was not accompanied by ensuring availability of sufficient financing resources to localities to run this function. We have carried out a study by coordinating with a few PHC authorities by creating awareness of the urological care and wish to share our findings and learn from other’s experiences.