Madhusudan B Jani
Gujarat Adani Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Title: Rhythmic inversion exercise techniques: Healthier approach to hypertension
Biography: Madhusudan B Jani
Inversion therapy has been around from a long time – inversion has been talked about since 400 BC when Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, monitored patients being hung from a ladder in the interests of their health. Very recently, there has been a little interest in the West, in objectively documenting the effects on health, especially for the more advanced or esoteric practices, such as inversions. Inversion can act positively on the cardiovascular system, as blood flow in some parts aided and in other parts challenged, which can lead to a mild cardiovascular workout. Regular inversion can have a positive effect in fighting varicose veins, and, as blood helps to infuse the brain, the increased oxygen it carries may have positive impact on maintaining brain function in later years. Those that swear by inversion and its benefits say that inversion therapy helps in correcting the imbalances affected by gravity. Because we spend most of our life sitting or standing, blood is pulled down into our lower body and our circulation progressively grows sluggish. Hanging upside down, reverses the blood flow temporarily, which allows more blood and oxygen to reach the brain. Pre and post rhythmic inversion exercise, on floor and under water, blood pressures were registered and concluded as healthier ways to control hypertension.