Biography: Anukriti Sood
Numerous inflammatory dermatoses, infections , benign , malignant neoplasms may present as common scaly disorders of the skin of the breast . If they present with a lump , they may mimic carcinoma of the breast. A 33 yr old lady presented to our OPD with complaint of very firm breast with erythema , oozing and crusting over the skin since 1 year She had been applying some indigenous
topical medication over the left breast. FNAC and USG breast showed no evidence of abnormality .For scling of the skin dermatological reference wasdone and the diagnosis of eczematous dermatitis was made .. Liquid paraffin oil three times a day was advised for 2 days . Results: It led to drastic clearance of all the crusts and discharge with completely normal appearing breast.
Conclusions: Nipple retraction , flattening and crusting are frequently observed in inflammatory cancer. Allergic contact dermatitis from indigenous medication